Magali Leo studied law and was formerly in charge of advocacy for a patient association. For nearly 10 years, she put her skills to use in inter-associative work in the field of health, working for CISS and then France Assos Santé. She was also in charge of advocacy for Renaloo, an association of patients affected by chronic kidney disease, dialysis and transplants, where she was involved in knowledge production and the development of the association’s strategy.
As a member of several health bodies (including the ANSM’s Health Products Information Committee and the CNAM Council), Magali can testify to the change in the way user representatives are viewed, but also to the work still to be done to ensure that patients’ interests are taken into greater consideration in decisions aimed at improving our health system and the quality of care. Magali is also co-author of the report on improving information on medicines for users and healthcare professionals (September 2018). More recently, she was asked by the French Prime Minister to take part in a mission to put forward proposals to the Government on the mechanisms for financing and regulating healthcare products.
As a member of the Nextep Stakeholders’ board, Magali will bring her experience, vision and commitment to healthcare democracy, enabling Nextep teams to contribute more & more to the development of a healthcare system focused on creating value for patients
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