NEXTEP STUDY: Proposals for a health care system that creates more value for patients

The unprecedented situation of the Covid 19 crisis has highlighted the apparent limitations of our prevention, care, and governance systems. If health crises are catalysts for reform, the Covid 19 crisis, by its historical magnitude, should make it possible to place health issues at the heart of public decision-making for the long term.  Despite the still-evolving health context, a reflection on the future is necessary


Since March 2020, Nextep, a consulting firm specializing in strategic health issues, has been reflecting on the consequences of the pandemic on the healthcare system. At the heart of the different epidemic waves, with 20 years of experience in the health sector, Nextep wished to draw lessons from the crisis and orientate the reforms they require. 

This contribution highlights our healthcare model’s challenges based on a series of background articles and numerous interviews. It puts forward several concrete proposals to fuel the discussions, which are grouped around three priority issues:

PRIORITY 1/ IDENTIFY AND QUANTIFY: Better measure public health needs to ensure the relevance and performance of the healthcare offer. 

PRIORITY 2/ COOPERATE AND DECIDE: Strengthen cooperation at all levels and promote inclusive governance for better decision-making 

PRIORITY 3/ VALUE AND FINANCE: Ensure effective and sustainable access, for users and patients, to products and services that create value in healthcare. 


Based on this reflection, Nextep, in its role as a catalyst for creating value for patients and the healthcare system, wishes to stimulate a dialogue with and between stakeholders on the tangible actions to be implemented to meet the significant challenge of tomorrow’s healthcare. 

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Contact : 

Victoire Bedhome – Consultant
01 53 38 13 83

